Any other animation packages that you installed but are not listed will need to be registered with KinkyWorld. In this menu you will see 'Kinkystages' and possibly some animations from Amra72 or lady666 were auto-detected.Now we want to go into the WooHoo menu and register our animations.Enable it to activate the KinkyWorld mod. This brings you to the Kinky World settings and a global enabled/disabled option.let the game run for one or two in-game-hours then check again. NOTE: Sometimes kinkyworld scripts take a long time to fully load. Click on a sim in in the sim menu you should see a 'Kinky.' sub-menu.You should receive a notification with the installed Kinky World version when the scripts are loaded. Once your game is loaded, un-pause and wait for a few seconds while the KW scripts load.The following is the major setup steps, but will not cover every option in settings. Starting a new game is recommended, but should not be required. Once The Sims 3 is loaded, we need to activate the mod in game.